

Author: Juliana Chakarova Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv Published in Slavyanski dialozi, XIII, 2016, 18 Abstract: The present paper seeks an answer to the question that still remains unsolved in the academic field of linguistics, namely: wheth ...

Author: Jakub Mikulecký Paisii Hilendarski university of Plovdiv Published in: Slavyanski dialozi, XI, 2014, 15 Abstract: The purpose of this article is to interpret general aspects of Egon Bondyʼs one-act plays written especially for Radim Vašinkaʼs  ...

Author: Yordan Kosturkov Paisii Hilendarski university of Plovdiv Published in: Slavyanski dialozi, XI, 2014, 15 Abstract: Willa Cather is often named „the beloved author of the American people“. A significant place in her prose fiction is taken by he ...

Author: Velin Petrov St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo Published in: „Slavyanski dialozi“, XI, 2014, 15 Abstract: Collective nouns designating bunch plants in Bulgarian are divided into prototypical and peripheral. Peripheral  ...

Author: Elena Krejčová Масариков университет, Брно Masaryk University, Brno Published in: Slavyanski dialozi, XI, 2014, 15 Abstract: The text examines Czech-Bulgarian relations in the second half of the 19th century in Brno as  ...