
Author: Rosina Kokudeva
St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia
Published in Slavyanski dialozi, X, 2013, 14

Abstract: The following article aims to compare Božena Němcová’s and Angel Karaliichev’s fairy tales, in which the romantic concept of the world combines with elements of realistic description. The research focuses on the authors’ own tales, created in different historical contexts: Němcová’s works belong to the late stage of the Czech Revival, and Karaliychev wrote his works between the two world wars. Despite the fact that they relate to different historical periods, some common typological characteristics stand out—among which is the conflict-free interaction between Romanticism and Realism, and between the short story and the fairy tale.

Key words: fairy tale, romanticism, realism, Czech revival, Božena Němcová, Angel Karaliychev