
Author: Emiliya Makedonska
St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia
Published in Slavyanski dialozi,  XX, 2023, 31, 29-36.

Abstract: The era of Czech National Revival took place between 1770 and 1850. This was the time of formation and affirmation of Czech science. Language was considered as a mark of the nation. J. Jungmann continued the work of J. Dobrovsky. However, in practice he diverged from Dobvrovsky’s classic concept of literary language. J. Jungmann’s views on literary Czech language are a continuation of the efforts of the first generation of Czech revivals. Jungmann’s work, as well as that of his followers, can be considered as a stage in which the social possibilities of the Czech language expand through a complete transformation of the language system.

Key words: Czech National Revival, Czech literary language, Josef Jungmann