
Author: Jan Hejk
Palacký University Olomouc 
Translation form Czech: Tanya Madzharova
Published in: Slavyanski dialozi, IX, 2012, 13

Abstract:The article is devoted to the late lyrics of Vladimír Holan, created during 1961 – 1977. We are talking about the collections Mortal Flour, Rooster to Asclepius, The Last but One, Farewell?, i.e., the final period of the work of one of the most significant and most complex Czech poets of the 20th century. The author of these collections completes his poetic work, defines some of his constant themes and repeating motifs, in which the theme of death and farewell dominates. The later lyrics of the Holan are complex and semantically inappropriate in terms of interpretation. Therefore, this article tries to reveal their meaning and give them the main characteristic based on a detailed analysis of individual texts. Its purpose is to comprehend the way and means by which the poet expressed his distinctive poetic world.

Key words: Vladimír Holan, Mortal Flour, Rooster to Asclepius, The Last but One, Farewell?