Author: Michel Pavlovski
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Translation from Macedonian by Evelina Grozdanova
Published in Slavyanski dialozi, II, 2005, 5/6 (2/3)
Abstract: The paper studies theoretical and practical roots of biomechanics – one of the most significant elements in Meyerholdʼs directing system. At the same time, the work demonstrates Meyerholdʼs point of view on the process of acting, as well as his main postulates about directing.
The biomechanics is a principle of actor’s expression, in which conscious acting dominates. This principle is an absolute opposite to Stanislavskyʼs system. Meyerhold describes the biomechanics, in the first place, as an actor’s training, but also as an opportunity for acting.