Assoc. Prof, PhD Lilia IVANOVA (
Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv
On the Adverbs Веднъж and Някога as Expressions of Indefinite Precedence in Bulgarian and Their Functional-Semantic Correspondences in Polish. // Slavyanski dialozi, XIX, 2022, 29, 51-60.
Toward Two Problematic Verb Forms and Their Place in Contemporary Polish. // Slavyanski dialozi, IV, 2007, 8, 160-168.
Anna Gawarecla. The Surrealist Play with the Conventions of the Popular Novel. // Slavyanski dialozi, I, 2004, 2/3, 163-180.
Tadeusz Peiper. The City, The Mass, The Machine (Essay). // Slavyanski dialozi, IX, 2012, 13, 163-180.