Author: Nikolay Neychev
Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv
Published in Slavyanski dialozi, XVIII, 2021, 27
Abstract: The present article discusses the question of how devoid of quality time (chronos) in the calendar chronology of the novel Crime and Punishment is transformed into a quality The possibility of changing the ideological discourse in Dostoevsky’s work from pagan to Christian through the influence of the Cheti-Minei hagiographic corpus is explored. It is shown how certain hagiographic texts intended for reading on a specific date, which coincides with the calendar time of the novel’s plot, influence the change of thoughts and actions of a character and explain the inner meaning of the event, turning human biography into a hagiographical legend.
Key words: chronos, kairos, Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky, The Great Menology, Cheti-Minei