
Author: Zhorzheta Cholakova
Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv
Published in Slavyanski dialozi, XVIII, 2021, 28, 13-30[In Bulgarian]

Abstract: The paper is dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of one of the most remarkable Czech poets – Jaroslav Seifert, which defines its overview character. The long creative path of the first Czech Nobel Prize winner provides an opportunity to highlight – in his work – some of the significant moments in the development of twentieth-century Czech poetry. The text does not aim to trace all the emblematic manifestations of Seifert as a poet and essayist, but rather to outline the stable dominants in his figurative world and to find in them the reflection of those ideas and artistic messages that could be argued to be representative of modern Czech poetry twenty years after the beginning, and twenty years before the end, of the twentieth century.
Key words: Jaroslav Seifert, Czech poetry of the twentieth century, poetismus, poetry’s resistance to totalitarianism