
Authors: Mariola Walczak-Mikołajczakowa, Patryk Borowiak
Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań
Published in Slavyanski dialozi,  XX, 2023, 32.

Abstract: The authors present studies in the field of Bulgarian philology at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań against a broader background of the history of Slavic studies in Poznań. They discuss the journey leading to the establishment of Bulgarian studies (which is an opportunity to present the history of the Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology) give a view of the current state of Bulgarian studies, and revisit the profiles of scientists important for the development of Bulgarian studies in Poznań. The text details the scientific achievements of Poznań Bulgarians and their active involvement in popularizing their academic field, and finally, presents cultural initiatives undertaken in recent years and cooperation with schools in the region.

Key words: Bulgarian studies, history of the field of study, research, didactics, achievements