
Author: Diana Ivanova
Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv
Published in Slavjanski dialozi, XIV, 2017, 19.

Abstract: The article analyses the editorial policy and the thematic content of the magazine Slavyanski Glas (Slavic Voice), edition of the Slavonic Charity Society in Sofia, in the period 1902 – 1940. The idea of the Slavic solidarity is discussed in the context of the Bulgarian Revival and its development and events in the postliberation period. The extensive review allows us to assess the role of Slavic Voice magazine for the popularization of the culture of Slavic peoples, for the realization of fruitful contacts between the intellectual elites, for exchange of information, ideas and useful models, which unite the Slavs in the first half of the twentieth century.

Key words: Slavic idea, Slavic cultural friendships after the liberation of Bulgaria from Ottoman domination, the magazine “Slavyanski Glas”