On the cover: Rafal Olbiński (1943),
On the horizon, 2020
Iliyana Krapova (Venice)
Bulgarian Studies at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Paola Grasso (Venice)
Old Church Slavonic Isocolic Structures in the Translation of the Oration 38 (On the Birth of Jesus) by Gregory of Nazianzus
Anda Neagu (Toronto)
On the Syntax and Semantics of the Bulgarian Subjunctive
Luca Molinari (Warsaw)
The Question of the Origin and Grammaticalization of the Lexeme One (един)
Kolyo Genev (Sofia)
Lermontov and Dostoevsky: Contra Cogito or the Concept of Alter Cognition (Observations on A Hero of Our Time and The Idiot)
Stefania Filipova-Mertzimeki (Thessaloniki)
Geographical Boundaries as Borders of “Interpenetration” in Miroslav Penkov’s East of the West
Maciej Krzemiński (Włocławek )
The Creative Path of Kazimierz Orłoš as a Reflection of Realism in Contemporary Polish Literature
Translation from Polish by Dimitrina Hamze
Borislava Petkova (Plovdiv)
A Few Notes on the Names of the Devil in Bulgarian Verbal Folklore
Diyana Nikolova (Plovdiv)
The Artistic Scene of the Silver Age
On creativity, literature and history: An interview with Kazimierz Orłoš by Maciej Krzemiński
Translation from Polish by Dimitrina Hamze
Kazimierz Orłoš. The Key. Jacek. Disco. On the Other Side of the Window (Short stories)
Translation from Polish by Dimitrina Hamze
Ljubica Arsić. Our Lady of Muggia (Short story)
Translation from Serbian by Milena Todorova
Zdeněk Svěrák. Hot Sunday (Short story)
Translation from Czech by Alexandra Stankova
Juraj Kuniak. Poems
Translation from Slovak by Dimana Ivanova
Николай Нейчев. Хронос, Кайрос, Вечност в Петокнижието на Ф. М. Достоевски [Nikolay Neychev. Kairos, Chronos, and Eternity in Dostoevsky’s Pentateuch] (Dechka Chavdarova)
Добромир Григоров (съст.). INTER ARMА. Предчувствието за война в чешката култура (1935–1939). Антология с художествени текстове и публицистика [Dobromir Grigorov (ed.). INTER ARMА. The Premonition of War in Czech Culture (1935–1939). Anthology of fiction and journalism] (Anzhelina Pencheva)
Емил Басат (съст.). Радостите и тегобите на българската бохемистика. [Emil Basat (ed.). The Joys and Sorrows of Bulgarian Bohemian Studies] (Rosina Kokudeva)