
Assoc. Prof. PhD Diyana NIKOLOVA (

Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv


The Pastoral in the Mirrors of the Russian Culture (18th – 19th c.). II 19 Century. // Slavyanski dialozi, XIV, 2017, 20.

The Pastoral in the Mirrors of the Russian Culture (18th – 19th c.). I. The Early Stage of Russian Pastoralism (to be continued). // Slavyanski dialozi, XIV, 2017, 19.

Ivan Milev. // Slavyanski dialozi, XIV, 2017, 20.

Maria Yakunchikova. // Slavyanski dialozi, XIII, 2016, 18.

The Song of the Cicadas and the Myth of the Poet. // Slavyanski dialozi, X, 2013, 14.

Translations from Russian

Sergey Dyagilev. Maria Yakunchikova (Obituary) // Slavyanski dialozi, XIII, 2016, 18.

Maximilian Voloshin. M. Yakunchikova’s Art. // Slavyanski dialozi, XIII, 2016, 18.