

Author: Anna GawareckaAdam Mickiewicz University of PoznańTranslation from Polish by Lilia KanchevaPublished in: Slavyanski dialozi, I, 2004, 2/3 Abstract: The period between the two world wars is the time of аn extraordinary prosperity of Czech popu ...

Author: István VörösPázmány Péter Catholic UniversityTranslation from Czech by Angelina NedevaPublished in: Slavyanski dialozi, VII, 2010, 10/11 Abstract: The paper brings up the question of multilingualism as a phenomenon typical of both the Czech l ...

Author: Krasimira MarinovaPlovdiv university “Paisii Hilendarski”Published in: Slavyanski dialozi, VII, 2010, 10-11 Abstract: The following article is dedicated to the work of Otokar Březina – the most significant poet of the Czech symbolis ...

Author: Jiří KudrnáčMasaryk university, Brno Published in: Slavyanski dialozi, XIV, 2017, 20 Abstract: This paper evaluates the place Karel Dostál-Lutinov occupied in the “Catholic Moderne” movement and in the Czech poetry of his time. Ka ...