
Author: Diyana Nikolova
Plovdiv university “Paisii Hilendarski” 
Published in: Slavyanski dialozi, XIV, 2017, 20

Abstract: The article deals with the manifestations of the pastoral modus in the Russian culture from the 1800s to the 1830s. The major focus is on the theoretical understanding of the pastoral genres (in literary dictionaries, in prefaces and in articles published in periodicals), the presence of the concept of Arcadia as locus amoenus in lyric poetry and painting, a new interpretation of the motifs of “Et in Arcadia Ego”, the Golden Age and the concept of happiness (laetus) in bucolic genres. An important issue is the understanding of the notion of idyll in relation to the question of ʽnationalityʼ . The interpretations of the idyllic landscape and the depiction of shepherds, everyday life and peasant life in the 1810s–1840s, as well as the opposing views on the nature of pastoral poetry and the image of the shepherd are examined by means of analyzing poetic works and paintings.

Key words: idyll, elegy, Arcadia, “Et in Arcadia Ego”, Gavriil Derzhavin, Konstantin Batyushkov, Anton Delvig, Vladimir Panaev, Nikolay Gnedich, Venetsianovʼs School