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Author: Nikolay ZhelevInstitute for Literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Published in Slavyanski dialozi, XIX, 2022, 29, 9-28. [In Bulgarian] Abstract: During the Bulgarian Revival the newspaper was not just only a medium for news. Its addi ...

Author: Zhorzheta Cholakova Paisii Hilendarski University of PlovdivPublished in Slavyanski dialozi, Х, 2013, 14 Abstract: The following article examines a very provocative phenomenon, which problematizes the manifestations of the Slavic idea in the  ...

Author: Diyana NikolovaPaisii Hilendarski University of PlovdivPublished in Slavyanski dialozi, X, 2013, 14 Abstract: The text examines the “cicada” myth and its presence in the literature and art of the Silver Age. Since Antiquity the image of the cic ...

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