

Author: Xavier GalmichSorbonne, Paris 4Translation from French by Elena GuetovaPublished in Slavyanski dialozi, XVII, 2020, 26 Abstract: This paper intends to present the wide panorama of alternative spirituality as a basic feature of modern Czech cult ...

Author: Ranko PopovićUniversity of Banja Luka Translation from Serbian by Evelina GrozdanovaPublished in Slavyanski dialozi , IV,  2007, 7 Abstract: The paper deals with the reflections of the political context upon formation of specific literary-cr ...

Author: Slavka VelichkovaPaisii Hilendarski University of PlovdivPublished in Slavyanski dialozi , IV,  2007, 7 Abstract: The paper analyzes descriptions of interjections in Bulgarian, Serbian, and Croatian grammars, and other studies. Despite the genera ...