
Author: Iskra Hristova-Shomova
St. Kliment Ohridski University ofSofia
Published in: Slavyanski dialozi, XХX, 2022, 30 [In Bulgarian]

Abstract: The subject of the paper is the beginning of the Book of Genesis (1:1-13), regarding the feast of the Nativity of Jesus Christ. The text of this reading is taken from several sources: the Cyrillo-Methodian translation (in the Grigorovich Parimejnik); the  Preslav Redaction (in the Ochrid Bible); a Menaion of the old recension (Draganov Menaion); two Menaia of the new recension (Ochrid Menaion and Rila  2/18); the Genadian Bible; and the Ostrog Bible. Generally, we can divide the texts of these those sources into two groups. Grigorovich Parimejnik, the Ochrid Bible, and Draganov Menaion belong to the first one (the archaic group), and Ochrid Menaion, Rila  2/18, the Genadian Bible, and the Ostrog Bible belong to the second one whose text was revised on the Mount Athos in the circle of Monk Joseph.
Key words: Bible, the book of Genesis, Slavonic translation, Parimeynik, Office Menaion