
Author: Elena Krejčová 
Масариков университет, Брно 
Masaryk University, Brno 
Published in: Slavyanski dialozi, XI, 2014, 15

Abstract: The text examines Czech-Bulgarian relations in the second half of the 19th century in Brno as the city’s history has always been linked to the coexistence and interaction  of various nationalities, which is considered quite normal. In the current multi-ethnic society in Brno Bulgarians have always played and continue to play a significant role. The study is devoted to Bulgarian students and Bulgarian gardeners who have arrived here since the end of the 19th century. Between the two world wars Bulgarians in Brno were the biggest Bulgarian minority in the Czech lands. Bulgarian student community is strongly present especially in the second half of the 30s of the past century. A considerable number of Bulgarians who met their wives on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast moved to Brno in the 70s and 80s. During the 90s, immigrants are predominantly from urban areas. The text examines the newest wave of Bulgarians in Brno, most of whom are good professionals in the field of information technology. Another large group works in manufacturing. The text also pays attention to the current organization of the Bulgarian community in Brno.

Key words: Czech-Bulgarian contacts, Bulgarian minority in Brno, Bulgarian minority organizations in Brno