Marek Langowski
Under the Yellow Umbrella
Tilde Geerardyn, Raymond Detrez (Ghent)
“On the Decadence to Come”: Bulgarian Literature as Presented in the Slavyanskij Mir Journal
Emiliya Makedonska (Sofia)
The Contribution of Josef Jungmann to the Construction of the Czech Literary Language
Olga Tabachnikova (Preston)
Harmony and Ideology: creative heritage of Ukrainian and Russian classics in the light of ideas of Hryhorii Skovoroda (Taras Shevchenko, Pavlo Tychina, Fedor Dostoevsky, Anton Chekhov and others)
Translation from Russian by Tanya Neycheva
Dimitrina Hamze (Plovdiv)
Juliusz Słowacki – the Mystical Demiurge
Steliana Aleksandrova (Łódź)
Bolesław Leśmian’s Poetic Neologisms Translated into Bulgarian
Lech Ceran (Łódź)
Thematic Dominants in the South Slavonic Hip-Hop Texts
Zhorzheta Cholakova (Plovdiv)
The Poetry of Peyo Yavorov in Slavic Languages
Peyo Yavorov. Poems
Haiduk Songs
Translation into Czech by Ludmila Kroužilová
Translation into Polish by Zdzisław Jerzy Kempf (I, IV), Anna Kamieńska (II, III)
Translation into Russian by Maria A. Pavlova
Translation into Russian by Mikhail A. Zenkevich
Translation into Czech by Ludmila Kroužilová
Translation into Polish by Jerzy Ficowski
Two lovely eyes
Translation into Serbian by Vlada Urošević
Translation into Croatian by Vesna Parun
Translation into Polish by Anna Kamieńska
Translation into Slovenian by Eva Šprager
Translation into Chech by Ludmila Kroužilová
Translation into Russian by Lev Ozerov
Translation into Ukrainian by Dmitro Pavlichko
Translation into Slovak by Jan Koška
Translation into Polish by Anna Kamieńska
Translation into Slovenian by Katja Špur
The guilt is not in you
Translation into Czech by Ludmila Kroužilová
Translation into Serbian by Vlada Urošević
Translation into Russian by Maria Petrovykh
Translation into Polish by Włodzimierz Słobodnik
To Laura
Translation into Czech by Ludmila Kroužilová
Translation into Polish by Włodzimierz Słobodnik
Translation into Slovenian by Eva Šprager
Translation into Ukrainian by Mikola Bazhan
Translation into Russian by Lev Ozerov
Translation into Serbian by Marko Nikolić
Translation into Russian by Vladimir N. Sokolov
Translation into Polish by Anna Kamieńska
Two Souls
Translation into Croatian by Vesna Parun
Translation into Russian by Lev Ozerov
Translation into Polish by Janina Brzostowska
Translation into Ukrainian by Vasil Moruga
Translation into Slovak by Jan Koška
Translation into Czech by Ludmila Kroužilová
140th anniversary of the birth and 100th anniversary of the death of Jaroslav Hašek (1883-1923)
Jaroslav Hašek. Short stories
A Touching Story about the Love of an Autonomist for the Daughter of a Centralist
Franz the Pig
The First Day after the Coronation (Albanian Royal Tragedy)
Translation from Czech by Nina Todorova
Енчо Тилев, Тенчо Дерекювлиев (съст.). Вселената на езика. Диалози с професор Стефана Димитрова [Encho Tilev, Tencho Derekiuvliev (eds.). The Universe of Language. Dialogues with Professor Stefana Dimitrova] (Galina Bruseva)
Елена Гетова. Петко-Славейковият журналистически XIX век [Elena Getova. Petko-Slaveikov’s Journalistic 19th Century] (Nikoleta Patova)
Alice Jedličková a kol. Narativní způsoby v české proze 19. století [Alice Jedličková et al. Narrative Modes in 19th Century Czech Prose] (Rosina Kokudeva)
Martina Salhiová. Cesty autorské pohádky po roce 2000 v České republice a v Bulharsku [Martina Salhiová. The Ways of the Author Fairy Taile after 2000 in the Czech Republic and Bulgaria] (Svatava Urbanová).
Translation from Czech by Borislava Kasavalcheva
Yana Rowland, Slavka Grancharova, Rumyana Ilieva-Marinova, Dimitar Karamitev, and Nikoleta Georgieva (Eds.). Child is Father of the Man 30 Years of English Philology at Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv: A Miscellany of Essays on the Occasion of the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Establishment of English Philology at Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv (Desislava Cheshmedzhieva-Stoycheva)