
I. Scientific articles formatting guidelines

The following sections accept scientific articles: “Memory”, “Cultural History”, “Linguistics”, “Literary Studies”, “Slavic Studies around the World”, “Debuts”.

All manuscripts must be at least 15,000 characters long. The journal publishes studies with a volume of 45,000 to 60,000 characters as well. Pages should not be numbered.

International scientific articles are published after being translated into Bulgarian.

Main text style: Times New Roman; alignment: Justify; spacing: single spaced, font size: 12 pts. New line indent: 1.25cm; format: .doc.

If there are other fonts in use, they must be sent as attachments to the specified email address. The manuscript must be sent in .doc and .pdf format.

The title must be in all caps, centered, Times New Roman, Bold, Single space, 14 pts. The author’s name, surname, and workplace (without abbreviations, in Times New Roman, Bold, single spaced, 14 pts.) must be written under the title, after a blank line.

The main text of the manuscript must be preceded by a short annotation and keywords in English and Russian (the length of each of the two annotations along with the keywords should be between 800 and 1,000 characters). The name of the author and the title of the article must be written before the annotation in the respective language. Style: Times New Roman, 11 pts., Bold, single spaced.

All in-text citations (author surname transcribed into Bulgarian, space, year of publication, colon, space, page number) are with with parentheses in the following method: (Куцаров 2007: 45). If the source is a collection, the surname of the editor or compiler is given, comma, „ред.“ (ed., for editor) or „съст.“ (comp., for compiler), year of publication, colon, space, page number. Ex. (Апресян, ред. 2003: 56).

Text notes must come in the for of footnotes below each page (Times New Roman; single spaced, 10 pts.).

All titles of works must be written in italics, without quotation marks.

All titles of periodicals must be marked with quotation marks, no italics.

The bibliography must come at the end of the article. First, to the left of the page, after missing a blank line, the title of the section is displayed: if the text is in Bulgarian / Russian:

Литература / References (small caps, Bold, 12 pts.). One blank line. The next line starts the list of authors in alphabetical order, without numbering (Times New Roman; single spaced, 12 pts.).

The bibliography must include only the titles and/or authors cited or mentioned in the main text. If the bibliographic item is in Cyrillic, after writing the entry in its original language, the author’s name and title of work are transliterated and placed in square brackets [], with a full stop before the closing bracket (see examples below).

The formatting is as follows:

  • author surname (in case of collection: surname of the editor); the surnames of foreign authors are transcribed into Cyrillic;
  • year of publication (Bold), colon, space;
  • author surname, comma, initial or initials (with a full stop and a space if the initials are two), space;
  • the title of the book or collection (Italic), followed by a full stop;
  • city of publication, colon, space, publisher (the name is never in quotation marks, unless preceded by combinations such as UP, PH, etc.), comma, space, year of publication, and period (Normal).

If an article is cited, its title is given in Normal, full stop, space, two slashes (//), then the title of the book or magazine (Italic), the city and year of publication. In the case of a journal, the issue number (entered with №) as well as the page range of the article (with an N-dash, surrounded by spaces, eg. 15 – 25) are also added. If the article is a newspaper article, after the issue number (№) the date is added as well, and finally, the page range. A full stop is placed at the end.

In the case of digital sources, the publication date and page range (if available) are given after the title, then, in square brackets, the address of the source website, and finally in parentheses, the date of entry (see examples below).

In case of more than one publication by the same author in the same year, there should be added a letter (a, b, c, etc.) after the year (without space).

For the names of foreign authors, the transliteration in square brackets preserves their spelling in the original language: e.g.

Вьолфлин 1985: Вьолфлин, Х. Основни понятия на историята на изкуството. [Wölfflin, H. Osnovni ponyatiya na istoriyata na izkustvoto.] София: Български художник, 1985.

For convenience, some principles of transliteration are unified where appropriate:

General principles of transliteration of some specific signs and combinations in Bulgarian and Russian:

Bulgarian and RussianTransliteration of Bulgarian wordsTransliteration of Russian words
жzh (zhena)zh (zhit’)
хh (hlyab, tih)h (hleb, tihij)
цts (tsentar)ts (tsentr)
чch (chas)ch (chas)
шsh (nash, Pashov)sh (nash, shestoj)
ыy (syn, kryzhovnik)
ëе (elka, ezh, emkij, Fedorov)
эe (etot, poet)
й (at the end of the word)j (geroj, НО geroya)j (geroj, НО geroya,  russkij, molodoj, emotsional’nyj ; istorij, ponyatij)
йо, ьо, ю, я, й (when preceding a consonant), краесловно -ия (when object name)y (rayon, Karagyozova, tyutyun, yabalka, slavyanski, evropeyski, Slaveykov, istoriya, ponyatiya, mladiya, mladiyat)y (yunostʼ, Yurij, yabloko, yazyk, slavyanskij, evropeyskij,  Slaveykov, istoriya, ponyatiya, molodaya)
Ending with -ия → ia (proper noun)Chehia, Maria, Sofia, RusiaChehia, Maria, Sofia excl. Rossiya

The editorial staff urges authors to pay attention to the differences in transliteration of identical Cyrillic letters (see the table below). This difference is necessitated by the operation of different transliteration laws in the two languages [1].

Different principles of transliteration of identical characters in Bulgarian and Russian:

Bulgarian and RussianTransliteration of Bulgarian wordsTransliteration of Russian words
щsht (shtastie)shh (shhtast’e, Shherba, govoryashhij)
ьy (Karagyozova)‘ (shhtast’e)
ъa (san, patnik, Grancharov)’’ (two concecutive apostrophes without intervals) (ob’’yasnenie)

When transliterating text into Serbian Cyrillic, the author’s name and title of work are written in Serbian Latin.

Пейчич 2015: Пеjчић, А. Улога у „свету“, „свет“ у улози: грађанске драме Бранислава Нушића [Pejčić, A. Uloga u „svetu“, „svet“ u ulozi: građanske drame Branislava Nušića.] // Philologia mediana, 2015, № 7, 177 – 193.

Exceptions of the rules of transliteration are made only for the transliteration from Cyrillic of names that have gained popularity in a form that does not coincide with abovementioned rules for transliteration from Bulgarian to English, e.g. Paisii, Jakobson. The same applies to the Romanization of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet: Bakhtin, Chekhov, and so on.

Punctuation marks in both the main text and the bibliography (especially quotation marks, colons, and dashes) are used according to the norm established by the respective language: e.g. Bulgarian quotation marks are low at the beginning and high at the end, always turned outwards („имам“), Russian quotation marks are angular «without spaces», while French quotation marks are also angular but « with intervals »; English quotation marks are placed high and are turned to the word (“what”). The Czech, Serbian, and Croatian quotation marks are identical to the Bulgarian standard, and the Polish ones differ only in the closures, which are turned inwards („tutaj”).



Караулов 1999: Караулов, Ю. Н. Активная грамматика и ассоциативно-вербальная сеть. [Karaulov, Yu. N. Aktivnaya grammatika i assotsiativno-verbalʼnaya setʼ.] Москва: ИРЯ РАН, 1999.

Куцаров 2007: Куцаров, Ив. Теоретична граматика на българския език. Морфология. [Kutsarov, Iv. Teoretichna gramatika na balgarskiya ezik. Morfologiya.] Пловдив: УИ „Паисий Хилендарски“, 2007.

Лейкоф, Джонсън 1980: Lakoff, G., Johnson, M. Metaphors We Live By. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980.

Норман 1994: Норман, Б. Ю. Грамматика говорящего. [Norman, B. Yu. Grammatika govoryashhego.] Санкт-Петербург: Изд-во Санкт-Петербургского университета, 1994.


Георгиев 1985: Георгиев, Вл. Възникване на нови сложни глаголни форми със спомагателен глагол „имам“. [Georgiev, Vl. Vaznikvane na novi slozhni glagolni formi sas spomagatelen glagol „imam“.] // Вл. Георгиев. Проблеми на българския език. София: БАН, 1985, 113 – 137.

Хоржинек 1969: Hořínek, Zd. Hlava. // Divadlo 20, 1969, č. 2, s. 71 – 75.

Digital sources

Ефтимова 2011: Ефтимова, А. Психолингвистиката – що е то? [Eftimova, A. Psiholingvistikata – shto e to?] // Litera et Lingua. Електронно списание. 2011, т. 8, кн. 1, <> (14.05.2019).

Newspaper article

… // Литературен глас, V, № 161, 24.ІХ.1932, с. 4.

The same format is used for articles written in a foreign language, as the bibliographical data is given in the language of the article or is transliterated.

II. Translation formatting guidelines

Each submitted translation must be sent along with the original text.

When translating a scientific article, the translator must abide to the rules above.

When translating a literary text, the translator must present:

– short biography of the translated author (4,000 to 5,000 characters),

– a picture of the translated author,

– complete bibliographical data of the source of the original text.

In case the translator uses footnotes, „- Б. Пр.“ (translator’s note) must be added after each note. Respectively, if there are footnotes by the author, then „- Б. а.“ (author’s note) must be added.

The translator’s name is placed after the text.

III. Review formatting guidelines

Reviews are published about:

– scientific publications published in Bulgaria and abroad, related to the Slavic languages, literatures, and cultures;

– Bulgarian fiction translated into Slavic;

– fiction by influential authors from the Slavic world translated into Bulgarian.

The volume of the reviews must be between 10,000 and 20,000 characters.

The complete bibliographic data of reviewed work, including ISBN and the total number of pages (Bold), is placed instead of a review title.

Example: Александър Пушкин. Драматургия. Театрална естетика (съставителство, предговор, коментарен апарат и превод от руски Людмил Димитров). София: ИК „Колибри“, 2019, 568 с. ISBN 978-619-02-0526-5.

Reviews are published only in Bulgarian.

The reviewer’s name is placed after the text. Below it is the name of the translator (if there is one).

The reviewed work must have been published no more than three years before the year of the issue for which the review is scheduled.


The editorial team reserves the right to refuse publication is a manuscript is not formed according to the specified standard or is not submitted to the designated e-mail address before the deadline.

[1] When transliterating, it is necessary to follow the rules of the Rules for Transliteration from Bulgarian to English (published in Darzhaven vestnik, issue 19 from 13 March 2009, last amended in Darzhaven vestnik, issue 98 from 13 December 2019). The rules can be found here: <>. It is recommended that authors and translators use a tool for automatic transliteration from Bulgarian Cyrillic that follows these rules:, taking into account the abovementioned exceptions. For convenience, Russian texts follow the rules of simplified transliteration, which are described in detail here:, again, with the exceptions above. It is recommended that authors use the tool for automatic transliteration by Yandex, which is closest to the selected standard and allows the selection of various filters:

Text-Formatting-Guidelines [Download]