
Author: Vladimír Křivánek
Institut of Literature, Prague
Translated from Czech: Borislav Borisov
Published in: Slavyanski dialozi, VII, 2010, 10-11

Abstract: Literary mystification can be defined partly as related to external reality, then a perjury is concerned, partly related to the autonomics of literary work, then a definite type of stylization is concerned. The study bears typology of literary mystifications from two point of views, in term of their fiction and form. Five types of mystification are defined. 1) Mystification is becomming a part of building ideological (national) myths: such are the forgeries of old manuscripts (Manuscript of Queen’s Court, in Czech: Rukopis královédvorský and Manuscript of Green Mountain, in Czech: Zelenohorský, Veda Slovena). 2) Mystification is a part of self-stylization (Artur Breisky: Triumph of Evil, Penčo Slavejkov: fictive character of poet Ivo Dolji). 3) Mystification can serve like a part of narration structure (specific type of hidden or undeclared authorship is concerned). 4) Mystification is used like a parody of ideology or political profession (Jaroslav Hašek: History of Party of moderate progress within the law, the character of Kozma Prutkov in Russian literature). 5) Literary mystification becomes also an independent humorous entertainment in the time of postmodernism – such are mystifications of the Jára Cimrman’s Theatre or the character of Trendafil Akacjev in Bulgarian literature.